Wednesday, March 7, 2012


A few weeks ago we, as a church, were called to write what Metro means to us, individually.  I'm a very private person, and don't wear my emotions on my sleve at all, but I can say when writing this blurp of inspiration, I broke down in tears. I know that I became a follower of Jesus when I was twelve years old, but had never been discipled by another more mature Christian to grow in my crawl with Jesus. I can remember the expectations rose, and I felt like I inherited a larger list of do's and dont's, that of which my strict mother made sure I adhered to.  Programs were implemented (the Roman's road, and the FAITH program), which lead to shallow Christianity of strangers I came in contact with, and not a deep meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, which I was subject to as well.  It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I really started to grow spiritually and really understood God's grace and sovereignty. 

Here is what I sent as my short response to a HUGE part of my growth as a Christian:

At Metro Church I feel at home.  Truth is spoken and honesty resonates whenever I enter this place of worship.  It's not about the building, or the people, or me, but it's entirely about Jesus, and that reins supreme.  Since the beginning of the Metro, growth has been evident in our leadership as well as in me personally.  I grew up in church since I was eleven, and have never been challenged in my walk with Jesus to seek him and desire his will for my life.  Jesus has become more real to me, and His glory has been revealed to me in many ways through the ministries of Metro, on so many levels.  Jesus, Worship, Bible study, and Community have molded me over the past few years, and I give glory to God for the humble spirits and dedication of the people of Metro that invested in me, and have made Jesus famous! 

There is definitely room for MORE growth, of course, but this is it for now!

~Check out for more information... we are about to launch a new website soon, so look for a change.