I get to be at home during the week with this adorable face. Jealous, huh?
So, I've had every intention to post at least twice a week (this is where the title comes into play) since I've started this blog, but I've flooded my schedule with pool outings, trips to the park, and ice cream socials with my cute two and a half year old. I've truly enjoyed being home with Hale more during the week, and I'm blessed to be able to. We've had so much fun, and we've kind of reconnected, you can say.
If you didn't know I was working full time until March rolled around. Hale and I were away from the house and each other for 11-12 hours a day. Then we would get home, eat dinner, take a bath, and lounge around for a few minutes to go to bed, day in and day out. Plus, I was a full time student at the community college; I really don't know how I made time for that. Needless to say I wasn't spending very much needed time with Hale. Of course time with my husband was lacking too, but that's another story for another day!
God has blessed these past three, almost four months! I went from working 40-45 hours a week to only working 24 and our bills are still being paid! I didn't know how it would be possible looking at the numbers, but we stepped out on faith and God gets the glory!! It was scary, but there aren't very many days anymore that I worry that we aren't going to be taken care of.
Now I get to spend the week with Hale, Saturday afternoons, and worship on Sunday at church with him. Heath says I've spoiled him even more, and he's become more ornery, but I think he's just in that stage, and he's extremely stubborn like both Heath and I. It's been such a blessing to see him grow and discover new things!
Well, here's a little appetizer to keep you satisfied until the next.
I think I'm going to start to write a few COOKING and DIY blogs as well! So, staty tuned!